Warren Rakena (Presiding Member)
Jordyn Elyse (Vice Presiding Member)
Raewyn Winter (Property)
Daena Colebrook (Health & Safety)
Raj Dullabh (Principal)
Kirsty Rihari (Finance)
Lee-Anne Maxwell (Staff Rep)
The Board of trustees is a parent elected group who meet once a month and are responsible for the governance of the school. Elections are held every 3 years.
Yes, these are public meetings and you are allowed to attend, however you do not have speaking rights, unless you request this of the Board of Trustees chairperson, in writing, prior to the meeting.
The school staff, Board of Trustees and Ministry of Education Priority Learning areas are discussed and considered before a Charter is completed for each year.
Consideration is given to information gained from parent consultation, surveys, meetings, and student data on achievement.
You can see the School Charter here. A complete charter can also be viewed in the foyer from 1st March on.
These reports are done every 3 years – 2019 is the latest. Our next review will be in 2023.
via email: bot@cgschool.ac.nz